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Conclusion and Future Work

In this paper we presented some aspects of the recent work done in Gdome2, the Gnome DOM Engine. We described some issues regarding the C interface, such as naming and parameters conventions, non-standard features of the library and the object model adopted in Gdome2. We also described some of the major implementation issues of the library, trying to give the reader some flavor of the overall architecture. A lot of work has still to be done. First of all, we plan to implement the Events module, which is going to become a crucial component for editing and authoring purposes. Then, we expect to receive a large amount of feedback from developers who decide to design their applications around XML and the Document Object Model. This will give us a lot of hints for possible optimizations and further developments of the library. As a concluding remark, it is obvious that the diffusion of XML and its final success strongly depends on the availability of tools for its fruitful exploitation. Gdome2 is aimed to be, after all, a contribution in this direction.
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Paolo Casarini 2001-04-01